Behind the formation of words...

Wednesday, October 5

Holiday in Surabaya

Haiii haiii haiiiii..... \(‾▿‾\) ┌(_o_)┐ (/‾▿‾)/
Liburan lagi...
Akhir bulan September kemarin, aku liburan lagi. Yup. I went to Surabaya, a city in East Java.

Welcome October ヾ(゚∇゚)ノ

Welcome October... ヾ(゚∇゚)ノ
May be, it's a bit late to say it... :D

This is the first post for this month. Awal bulan ini kuawali dengan mengganti alamat blogspot ini, menjadi yang lebih simple dan 'aku banget' (ya eyalah, secara full nama sendiri aja yang dipake :p).

Wednesday, September 21

Skyscraper - Demi Lovato

New lyric is comiiinnggggg...
 ƪ( ˘⌣˘ )┐ ┌( ˘⌣˘ )ʃ

Yup... A new song from Demi Lovato... Lets check it, Guys... 

 Skyscraper Lyrics

Skies are crying,
I am watching,
Catching teardrops in my hands.
Only silence, as it's ending,
Like we never had a chance.
Do you have to make me feel
Like there's nothing left of me?

Life is Struggling

Libur t'lah usai... Libur t’lah usai… Horaaayyy… Horaaayyyy… Horaaayyyy (nyanyi ala Tasya, #salahlirik). Yup tanggal 12 September 2011 kemarin, libur panjang semester genap berakhir. Dan itu artinya adalah saat nya kembali ke kampus. Hiuuufft….

Saturday, July 23

New Comer, Nokia E6

Kali ini Nokia kembali mengeluarkan smartphone terbaru lagi niiieee. Seri Nokia kali ini bisa dibilang Two in One. Selain tampilan keypad qwerty, Nokia edisi terbaru ini juga menggunakan touch screen bagi para penggunanya. Jadi sik asik aja kalau mau pake keypad qwerty atau touch the screen nya... Hehehehe...
E6 dikeluarkan dengan 3 warna, yaitu hitam, perak dan putih dan tampilannya yang hampir mirip tampilan "kakak" nya yaitu E63 dan E72. Dengan dimensi 115,5 x 59 x 10,5 mm dan berat 33 gr, smartphone ini enak banget buat dibawa kemana-mana. Berkekuatan memori internal 8GB dan memory eksternal yang bisa sampai 32GB, memungkinkan penggunanya untuk menyimpan ribuan file di dalamnya, baik dambar, music (mp3, AAC, eAAC, eAAC+, WMA, AMR-NB, AMR-WB) dan lainnya.

Thursday, July 21

When "Nyepi" (The Silent Day) Becomes an International Holiday

In this post, I would like to present you a speech that I've made in the 4th half-year in my lovely Mahasaraswati University. The speech about one option that may help us to save the earth... :)

Proudly present:

When "Nyepi" (The Silent Day) Become an International Holiday

Do you ever imagine that the silent day is not only happened in Bali? May be it sounds great for those who love the world free from any pollution.

Wednesday, July 20

SO FAR GONE - James Blunt

Okay, now we are going to see one of my favorite songs. A song from James Blunt, So Far Gone. Here is the lyric... :)

So Far Gone Lyrics

Tell me the wars you're fighting
Behind the smile you're hiding
All the things I know you want to say

Android, Si Robot Hijau

Hum... Sebenernya beberapa hari yang lalu saya sudah ngepost soal satu ini, tapi entah kenapa, tangan saya yang agak kurang kerjaan ini nge-klik ga jelas dan mengakibatkan post ini hilang lenyap tak berbekas... 

Oke kita mulai dari awal. Diantara kalian pasti sudah pernah denger soal Android kan? Yup, Android dengan logo robot hijau ini adalah sistem operasi untuk telepon seluler yang berbasis Linux.

Tuesday, July 19

Life is Struggling for Everything

Hem... mulai darimana ya... :) Tadi pagi, iseng-iseng chatting sama dosen yang kebetulan kenal dan hapal sama keseharianku. Dia tanya, apa kabar, aku jawab aja, "Great. I'm still struggling in my job", eh tahu nya dia jawab "Me too, struggling for everything. That's life".

Monday, July 18

Repair or Rearrange?

Repair or Rearrange?
Yup, saat kita dihadapkan pada dua hal yang berbeda apalagi berhubungan dengan suka ataupun ketidaksukaan, pastilah kita jadi bingung. Ya mending kalau kita bisa menentukan secara jelas yang mana yang kita suka, yang mana yang kita ga suka. Kalau abstract? Mampuslah berurusan dengan perasaan.

Sunday, July 17


Anyone doesn't know this song? I think all of you have heard this song... :)
Yup, a nice song from Paramore. ^^

Paramore is an American rock band from Franklin, Tennessee, formed in 2004. The band consists of lead vocalist Hayley Williams, bassist Jeremy Davis, and guitarist Taylor York. The group released its debut album All We Know Is Falling in 2005, and its second album Riot! in 2007, which was certified Platinum in the US and Gold in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK. Brand New Eyes, Paramore's third album, was released in 2009 and is the band's highest charting album to date.

On Sunday, 12.33am - Absurd

Is it right if I say it absurd? Yap, ini pukul 12.33 am, dan saya masih tersadar. Gara-gara penasaran sama layout yang tadinya ga jadi-jadi ini, rasa kantukku jadi hilang begitu aja. Konyol banget kan. Abisan, saya penasaran, jadi bikin sampe 'agak' puas. Hehehehehe... :p

Jam segini, semua dah pada tidur, dan saya mengetik dengan sangat hati-hati. Takut-takut kalau ntar ortu tiba-tiba buka pintu kamar dan bilang, ......

Monday, July 11

Sunset Time, Balangan Beach

Long Time No Post.... :)

Sebenernya sudah agak telat sich untuk ngepost ini tapi ga papa lah... ^^
That was unforgettable moment. Yup, sudah lama ga jalan-jalan bareng sama adek-adek. Yup, ke pantai balangan.

Friday, May 6


Setting is often vital to the existence of the story. Setting, it appears, is a pretty simple concept. Setting includes the time, location, and everything in which a story takes place, and initiates the main backdrop and mood for a story. Setting has been referred to as story world or milieu to include a context (especially society) beyond the immediate surroundings of the story.

KTSP - Dokumen 2

Yup, setelah sebelumnya uda bisa kita liat isi Dokumen 1 nya, sekarang kita step up ke Dokumen 2. Dokumen 2 nya terdiri dari bagian-bagian berikut:

1. Silabus, RPP, Standar Kompetensi, Kompentensi Dasar uang digariskan dari pusat.

2. Silabus dan RPP yang dikembangkan di sekolah.

KTSP - Dokumen 1

Sebagai seorang calon guru, saya mendapatkan mata kuliah ini. Yup, menyusun kurikulum sekolah. Kan sekarang kurikulum sekolah itu dibuat oleh sekolah yang bersangkutan, jadi sebagai seorang CALON guru, saya ikutan nimbrug nyusun-nyusun beginian.

Yang pertama akan dibahas Dokumen 1 dari Kurikulum itu. Yang isi nya sebagai berikut... :)


As we know together, untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas, maka sekolah harus memenuhi beberapa standar yang sekiranya mampu mendukung 'pencetakan' siswa berbakat dan berbakti... :p

Berikut akan dibahas beberapa kriterianya yang harus dicermati oleh sekolah bersangkutan biar ga nyangkut-nyangkut siswanya (read: ga lulus. red) Hehehehe.... :D

Standar Nasional Pendidikan

Phonetic Symbols - Consonants

As we saw before, we already knew the phonetic symbols of vowels. Now, in this post, we will move to the consonants symbols. So, please check in table below, guys... :)

Phonetic Symbols - Consonants

Phonetic Symbols - Vowel

Hai Guys,
In this session I proudly present the phonetic symbols. Yup, we commonly find the phonetic symbols when we take the Complete Dictionary. This symbols is provided in order to make the learners minimizes the mistake in pronouncing a word. But, some learners don't know yet how to read the symbols. Here I will make it in a table and you may find the example 'daily' word so that we can know how to pronounce it... ^^

Parts of Speech

Ups.... Lost in posting. :P
I forget to post the basic part of this.... Yes, now we will discuss about "Parts of Speech" ƪ( ˘⌣˘ )┐ ┌( ˘⌣˘ )ʃ
We know that a sentence is built by two or more words as a, minimal, Subject and Predicate and it has complete meaning. But, before we talk about the S and P, we should know the various kinds of words. Yes, below is description in general... ^^


One of parts of speech is verb. A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word (part of speech) that in syntax conveys an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn), or a state of being (be, exist, stand). In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected (modified in form) to encode tense, aspect, mood and voice. A verb may also agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. (


In grammar, an adjective is a word whose main syntactic role is to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified.

Adjectives are one of the traditional eight English parts of speech, though linguists today distinguish adjectives from words such as determiners that were formerly considered to be adjectives.


Nouns are the most basic part of English language.
All other parts of our language either describe nouns; tell what a noun is doing, or take the place of a noun.
Nouns answer the questions "What is it?" and "Who is it?" They give names to things, people and animals qualities.
Examples: dog, bicycle, man, girl, beauty, truth, world.
Nouns are words that name: Persons or animals,Things/object, Places, Ideas, Emotions or, qualities, Measurements, Action, substances.

Thursday, May 5

Adverb Clause

Adverb dependent clause begins with subordinating conjunctions:

After, as though, although, as , as if, as long as, because, before, if, in order that, provided that, as soon as, since, so that, such that, than, though, unless, until, when, whenever , where, wherever, while

Sometime adverb clauses are elliptical or incomplete, but the complete thought still there in the reader’s mind.

The boy studied [as though he were inspired]. Adverb clause describe the verb

The student was miserable [when he felled] Adverb clause describe the predicate adjective miserable

[When studying], he could concentrate. The adverb elliptical clause while he was studying describes the verb.

Noun Clause

Noun dependent clause, noun , noun phrase and the gerund all is the same
Their functions are as subject, DO, IO, Predicate Noun, object of preposition
Noun clauses use some of the same introductory words as adjective and adverb clause use.


A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate.
There are two clauses namely the independent clause (main clause) and dependent clause (subordinate clause).
The independent clause makes sense all by itself.
Education is necessary in today’s world. (Independent clause)
Dependent clause starts with a word that makes it sound incomplete.
The dependent clause doesn’t sound complete.
• Because education is necessary in today’s world. (Dependent clause)

Water Sport

The 16th day of April,

It was the first time for me to do water sport. I tried Banana Boat and Parasailing. It was a great day.