Behind the formation of words...

Friday, May 6


In grammar, an adjective is a word whose main syntactic role is to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified.

Adjectives are one of the traditional eight English parts of speech, though linguists today distinguish adjectives from words such as determiners that were formerly considered to be adjectives.
In this paragraph, "traditional" is an adjective, and in the preceding paragraph, "main" and "more" are. (

Adjectives will tell:
How many? - What kind? - Which one? - What Is an Adjective?

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun.
Adjective describes nouns or pronoun.
Adjectives describe nouns. They tell something about a noun. They are put right before the noun they describe. It is the most powerful part of speech in our language.

Your vocabulary is known by your adjective. Adding more adjectives to a sentence usually make it more interesting and informative.

Book > Red book > The new, hilarious, pornographic, red book.

Here are some more examples:
1. Joan wore red shoes. The adjective ‘red’ modifies the noun ‘shoes’.
2. He was angry. The adjective ‘angry’ modifies the pronoun ‘He’.

Adjectives give information by answering such questions as : What kind? Which one? How many? Whose?
WHAT KIND? > blue sky, rainy day, early riser
WHICH ONE? > this book, first job, second floor
HOW MANY? > four girls, many reasons, few failures
WHOSE? > my brother, your face, his wallet

How many adjectives are there in the following?
Two husky, rough-coated dogs trotted out as we approached the farmhouse, and we called to them in a friendly way, but they were watchful and suspicious.
Answer: Eight.

Note: The, a, and an, the most frequently encountered of all adjectives, are called articles. Since they appear so often, we can agree to exclude them when identifying adjectives.

Simple steps to pick out the adjectives.
1. Find the noun first.
2. Look the words just before the noun.
3. See if the word with the noun sounds correct, you have found an adjective.

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