Behind the formation of words...

Friday, May 6


Setting is often vital to the existence of the story. Setting, it appears, is a pretty simple concept. Setting includes the time, location, and everything in which a story takes place, and initiates the main backdrop and mood for a story. Setting has been referred to as story world or milieu to include a context (especially society) beyond the immediate surroundings of the story.

KTSP - Dokumen 2

Yup, setelah sebelumnya uda bisa kita liat isi Dokumen 1 nya, sekarang kita step up ke Dokumen 2. Dokumen 2 nya terdiri dari bagian-bagian berikut:

1. Silabus, RPP, Standar Kompetensi, Kompentensi Dasar uang digariskan dari pusat.

2. Silabus dan RPP yang dikembangkan di sekolah.

KTSP - Dokumen 1

Sebagai seorang calon guru, saya mendapatkan mata kuliah ini. Yup, menyusun kurikulum sekolah. Kan sekarang kurikulum sekolah itu dibuat oleh sekolah yang bersangkutan, jadi sebagai seorang CALON guru, saya ikutan nimbrug nyusun-nyusun beginian.

Yang pertama akan dibahas Dokumen 1 dari Kurikulum itu. Yang isi nya sebagai berikut... :)


As we know together, untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas, maka sekolah harus memenuhi beberapa standar yang sekiranya mampu mendukung 'pencetakan' siswa berbakat dan berbakti... :p

Berikut akan dibahas beberapa kriterianya yang harus dicermati oleh sekolah bersangkutan biar ga nyangkut-nyangkut siswanya (read: ga lulus. red) Hehehehe.... :D

Standar Nasional Pendidikan

Phonetic Symbols - Consonants

As we saw before, we already knew the phonetic symbols of vowels. Now, in this post, we will move to the consonants symbols. So, please check in table below, guys... :)

Phonetic Symbols - Consonants

Phonetic Symbols - Vowel

Hai Guys,
In this session I proudly present the phonetic symbols. Yup, we commonly find the phonetic symbols when we take the Complete Dictionary. This symbols is provided in order to make the learners minimizes the mistake in pronouncing a word. But, some learners don't know yet how to read the symbols. Here I will make it in a table and you may find the example 'daily' word so that we can know how to pronounce it... ^^

Parts of Speech

Ups.... Lost in posting. :P
I forget to post the basic part of this.... Yes, now we will discuss about "Parts of Speech" ƪ( ˘⌣˘ )┐ ┌( ˘⌣˘ )ʃ
We know that a sentence is built by two or more words as a, minimal, Subject and Predicate and it has complete meaning. But, before we talk about the S and P, we should know the various kinds of words. Yes, below is description in general... ^^


One of parts of speech is verb. A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word (part of speech) that in syntax conveys an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn), or a state of being (be, exist, stand). In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected (modified in form) to encode tense, aspect, mood and voice. A verb may also agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. (


In grammar, an adjective is a word whose main syntactic role is to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified.

Adjectives are one of the traditional eight English parts of speech, though linguists today distinguish adjectives from words such as determiners that were formerly considered to be adjectives.


Nouns are the most basic part of English language.
All other parts of our language either describe nouns; tell what a noun is doing, or take the place of a noun.
Nouns answer the questions "What is it?" and "Who is it?" They give names to things, people and animals qualities.
Examples: dog, bicycle, man, girl, beauty, truth, world.
Nouns are words that name: Persons or animals,Things/object, Places, Ideas, Emotions or, qualities, Measurements, Action, substances.

Thursday, May 5

Adverb Clause

Adverb dependent clause begins with subordinating conjunctions:

After, as though, although, as , as if, as long as, because, before, if, in order that, provided that, as soon as, since, so that, such that, than, though, unless, until, when, whenever , where, wherever, while

Sometime adverb clauses are elliptical or incomplete, but the complete thought still there in the reader’s mind.

The boy studied [as though he were inspired]. Adverb clause describe the verb

The student was miserable [when he felled] Adverb clause describe the predicate adjective miserable

[When studying], he could concentrate. The adverb elliptical clause while he was studying describes the verb.

Noun Clause

Noun dependent clause, noun , noun phrase and the gerund all is the same
Their functions are as subject, DO, IO, Predicate Noun, object of preposition
Noun clauses use some of the same introductory words as adjective and adverb clause use.


A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate.
There are two clauses namely the independent clause (main clause) and dependent clause (subordinate clause).
The independent clause makes sense all by itself.
Education is necessary in today’s world. (Independent clause)
Dependent clause starts with a word that makes it sound incomplete.
The dependent clause doesn’t sound complete.
• Because education is necessary in today’s world. (Dependent clause)

Water Sport

The 16th day of April,

It was the first time for me to do water sport. I tried Banana Boat and Parasailing. It was a great day.