Behind the formation of words...

Saturday, June 30

Pengalaman di SLB B PTN Jimbaran

Sebenernya ini pengalamannya sudah lama. Tapi baru sempet ngepost. Yap, salah satu pengalaman di SLB B PTN Jimbaran dimana disana tempat bersekolah orang-orang yang memiliki keterbatasan mental dan tidak mampu berbicara dan mendengar. :( But, they taught me much. See my story. :)

Kegiatan CSR periode 1 – 14 Agustus 2011

The corporate social responsibility is begun. This is my part to join this period with Mbak Dayu Yadnya in SLB B PTN Jimbaran. Bisa dibilang saya sangat exited mengikuti program ini. Berikut kegiatan yang saya lakukan selama 2 minggu di SLB tersebut.

Senin, 1 Agustus 2011

Pada pukul 07.08 wita, saya dan Mb. Dayu Yadnya sampai di SLB tipe B PTN Jimbaran. Pada jam itu, siswa-siswa baru sampai di sekolah. Mereka dengan ramah memberi kami senyuman, walau kami termasuk orang baru di lingkungan mereka. Mereka terlihat normal, walau dari gerak-geriknya, kami tahu mereka memiliki kekurangan, hanya berkomunikasi dengan dengan kode gerakan tangan dan mata.

Social life – American vs Asian Culture

The differences between Asian and Western cultures can be quite broad in many aspects. In todays world most major western cities are cosmopolitan, offering an array of cuisine, clothes, electronic goods, alternative religions and much more, giving us a taste of exotic destinations. Because of the competitive nature of most airline carriers we can now visit these destinations quite cheaply and the very reason why we want to experience the magic of Asia is because it is absolutely completely different to Western culture.
In social science, a social relation or social interaction refers to a relationship between two, three or more individuals (e.g. a social group). Social relations, derived from individual agency, form the basis of the social structure.

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih (Drama)

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Bawang Putih who lived with her step mother and her step sister named Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih is a kind girl and she is very polite. But, she is an orphaned. Her mother passed away when she was child and her father got accident when he did trip on business. Before passed away, her father married with a woman with one daughter named Bawang Merah. Different with Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah and her mother have bad attitudes. They always ask Bawang Putih to do all the house work includes cooking and cleaning up the house. One day, Bawang Putih does her task to clean the house.
(Bawang Putih is cleaning up the house and suddenly Bawang Merah came.)