Behind the formation of words...

Thursday, July 21

When "Nyepi" (The Silent Day) Becomes an International Holiday

In this post, I would like to present you a speech that I've made in the 4th half-year in my lovely Mahasaraswati University. The speech about one option that may help us to save the earth... :)

Proudly present:

When "Nyepi" (The Silent Day) Become an International Holiday

Do you ever imagine that the silent day is not only happened in Bali? May be it sounds great for those who love the world free from any pollution.

As we know together, in silent day, we do the fasting that called “Catur Berata Penyepian”. It consist of Amati Karya (No Working), Amati Geni (No Fire), Amati Lelungaan (Staying at home), and the last one Amati Lelanguan (No Any Entertainment). We are staying in Bali and we see what always happen here on Silent Day. There is no vehicle on the road, there is no people going to work, there is no electricity, and the most important one there is no pollution. Yes, we stay in silences.

It is not about the silences, now we are going to talk how the Silent Day is enough beneficial. There are some benefits when we held the silent day.
First, there is no air pollution. People are not allowed to go outside their home, except for emergency case, and it means that there is no any vehicle on the road. Just imagine how fresh the air is!

Second, we can save energy that we usually use every day. We can save dozens liters of petrol and hundreds kilowatt of electricity. We can try to count it, motorbike uses 2 – 3 liters petrol everyday and there are more than 5000 bikes in Bali. It’s around 10.000 liter just only for motorbike, and more than three times of petrol that is used by the car. It is not a small number of petrol which is now already rare. For the electricity, during the holiday, most households in Bali would turn off the lights. Meanwhile, hotels, hospitals are still allowed to turn on lights. From the data that I’ve read, state electric company could save money almost reach 8 billion.

Typically, the use of electricity during the day reaches 457 megawatts and 430 megawatts at night, while on Nyepi day, the need for electricity will only reach 150 megawatts during the day and 237 megawatts at night. How much energy that we save in a day in Small Island Bali! Just imagine if we could do it globally... It seems that we can get greater saving.

In silent day, we start to be friendly to the world. Save the world from the air pollution or sound pollution. And is it possible that Silent day will be an international day? Maybe someday, because there are dozens of Balinese youths from the group Bali Collaboration for Climate Change are working to collect 10 million signatures to support their proposal of making Nyepi, the Hindu day of silence, world silence day. They agree that this action can save energy and reduce pollution levels.

World Silent Day represents a movement to lessen activities releasing resource like fire electrics and ride motor vehicle which is now held during 4 hours started at 10.00 till 14.00. World Silent Day which is executed every 21 March is expected to give contribution at reduction of global warm-up treat.

World Silent Day is a thought that said by Triple-C, Collaboration for Climate Change, namely alliance of LSM, Conference Moment of Global Warming (UNFCCC), in Bali year 2007. This World Silent Day is an inspiration of local cultural wisdom, feast day of Nyepi and it is estimated can reduce the pollution.

10 million signatures are expected to be collected in 2012. And it will be submitted to the UN to recognize the implementation of the overall World Silent Day all over the world such as the 60 Earth Hour movements. Now, it has been collected 9 thousand signatures. World Silent Day movement has been supported also in Japan, Germany, and Australia.

Now, what do you think about this action? In my deepest heart, I really support this action. Go Silent World Day, and make the world healthier.


Global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting from human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. This finding is recognized by the national science academies of all the major industrialized countries and is not disputed by any scientific body of national or international standing. (

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